Busy Bees are Key

Send your Bees on lots of Missions!

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Keep Your Bees Buzzing

Build your reserves of Honey (HXD) by Harvesting. Discover amazing gameplay items by Hunting. Complete Quests to learn the Honeyland story and earn shards. Keep your Bees buzzing to maximize your rewards!

Endurance Stat

Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Bee's Endurance stat determines which Zone it can reach. Training Bee's reach is determined by the player's XP level. See the chart below for details.

NOTE: Genesis Bees can reach all 8 Zones in Universe one. Landowners can send their Genesis, Gen 1, Gen 2, and Gen 3 Bees to their own Lands regardless of the Bee's Endurance stat.

Endurance Stat Effect - Universe 1

Genesis Bee have access to all zones

Endurance Stat of Gen 1, Gen1, Gen 3 Bee Can Reach Zone
100-129 1
130-139 2
140-154 3
155-174 4
175-199 5
200-229 6
230-269 7
270 and Above 8

Training Bee's reach is determined by the Player's XP Level

Player's XP Level Training Bees Can Reach Zone
1 1
3 2
5 3
10 4
15 5


Harvesting is how you earn Honey. Honey is used to play games, buy assets, join events, and much more! Select a Land from the Universe map to see that Land’s details. Need help choosing which Land to Harvest? Sonar Buzz saves you time by identifying optimal Lands for Missions. Depending on its rarity, it will show between 8 and 16 Lands.

Look out! - If a Land has an active Poison Bomb deployed by another player, it will decrease the Agility stat of your Bee likely increasing the time it will take your Bee to Harvest from that Land.

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Want to Harvest extra Honey? - Keep an eye out for Lands that have an active Paradise Maker as it will increase the Agility stat of your Bee which speeds up your Harvest.

Maximize your earnings - Ready to explore more ways to increase the amount of Honey your Bees will bring back from their missions? Go deeper by visiting mission boosts.

REMINDER - Lands reserves are produced when Honey production is higher than the amount being harvested. This means that Lands with 0 reserves can still be harvested! Bees tend to Harvest faster on Lands that have reserves so be sure to take advantage when you see a Land with reserves.

Send your Bees on lots of Harvesting missions to build your reserves of Honey. Honey opens the door to a wide variety of fun activities.

Average Harvesting Cycle - Universe 1

Tiered halving is in effect in Universe 1

Halving events are designed to balance the Honeyland ecosystem and ensure its long-term sustainability

Tiered Halving adjusts the Capacity and Agility stats of Bees when they are sent on Harvesting missions

The adjustment is based on the Zone of the Land where the Harvest takes place

For example: A Bee with Capacity and Agility of 180 will have an effective Stat of 58 (32.06%) when Harvesting in Zone 1, and an effective Stat of 180 (100%) when Harvesting in Zone 8

Zone Effective Capacity and Agility
1 32.06%
2 37.71
3 44.37
4 52.20
5 61.41
6 72.25
7 85
8 100
Type of Bee Average Stat Harvest in Minutes Recovery in Minutes Total Cycle
Genesis 180 87 min 125 min 212 min
Gen 1 169 86 min 130 min 216 min
Gen 2 158 86 min 136 min 222 min
Gen 3 143 85 min 145 min 230 min

Training Bees have their own style of game play. See the Training Bee Charts for more details


Hunting is how you collect Honeypots. The shards inside can then be redeemed for all sorts of helpful and valuable items. You can use the full items in the game to upgrade your Bees, hatch new Bees, receive mission boosts, and more!

EXAMPLE: Your Bee finishes his Hunt and you open the Honeypot he found. The Honeypot contains ten Shield shards and five Luck Upgrade shards. Those shards are now in your Inventory. Check your Inventory to see if you have enough shards to redeem them for an item!

Watch out for the weather! - Learn more about Land Climates and how they affect what you will receive from your Hunt.

Where should you send your Bees to Hunt? - Sonar Buzz will list some Extreme Lands to Hunt on. Depending on the rarity, it will show 4-12 Extreme Lands and what type of shard is available for that day.

Look out! - If a Land has an active Cursed Honey Drop it will reduce the Luck stat of your Bee. This means that your Bee will take longer to collect a Honeypot when Hunting on that Land.

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Want extra shards? - Keep an eye out for Lands that have an active Lantern. Lanterns reduce the drop time for Honeypots, meaning a higher output for those Lands with an active Lantern.

Maximize your earnings - Ready to understand how to increase your Bee’s efficiency on their missions? Go deeper by visiting mission boosts.

A single Honeypot can hold hundreds of shards! It’s always a fun surprise to see what your Bee has brought back to the Hive.

Item Drop Rarity - Universe 1

The items contained in each Honeypot will be randomly distributed across 27 total types of game items with the following probabilities

Item Probability
Egg (Bee) 3.5%
Egg (Queen) 0.2
Royal Jelly 0.2
Upgrade Item - Health 3.5
Upgrade Item - Attack 3.5
Upgrade Item - Defense 3.5
Upgrade Item - Agility 3.5
Upgrade Item - Luck 3.5
Upgrade Item - Capacity 3.5
Upgrade Item - Endurance 3.5
Upgrade Item - Recovery 3.5
Upgrade Item - Queen 2.8
Mood Stabilizer 1.7
Poison Bomb 8.6
Cursed Honey Drop 8.6
Shield 17.2
Sonar Buzz 13.8
Mint Spray 6.9
Candy Coat 1.0
Snow Sugar 1.0
Swizzle Sticks 1.0
Lollipop 1.0
Sparkle Candy 1.0
Lantern of Light 0.7
Lantern of Revealing 0.7
Lantern of Insight 0.7
Lantern of Hope 0.7
Lantern of Knowledge 0.7

The Chance of Receiving a Raffle Ticket in a Honeypot - Universe 1

Players who are not Certified Beekeepers won't find raffle tickets in Hunts

Training Bee Hunts from Certified Beekeepers are eligible to receive bronze or silver raffle tickets

Rainbow raffle tickets cannot be found in Hunts

Item Probability
Bronze Raffle Ticket 0.10%
Silver Raffle Ticket 0.10
Gold Raffle Ticket 0.10

Impact of Bee Traits During Missions

Universe 1

Trait Player vs. Player (PvP) Hunting Harvesting
Agility Affects the *Readiness Meter. The length of the Readiness Meter will be equal to the highest Agility stat in the Raid multiplied 1.25 - Determines how quickly your Bee can collect Honey
Capacity Determines how much Honey (HXD) you can win/lose - Impacts the amount of Honey (HXD) your Bee will collect
Luck Bee with the highest Luck stats will automatically be placed at the end of the Readiness Meter and will have the first attacking run The Luck stat determines the probability of your Bee getting the Honeypot when other Bees are competing on a Land. Note: Honeypot rarity is random and not affected by the Luck stat OR the Generation of the Bee. -
Recovery - How quickly your Bee recovers and is ready for a new mission How quickly your Bee recovers and is ready for a new mission
Endurance - How far your Bee can travel from the Hive for missions - a higher number means they can travel to higher zones How far your Bee can travel from the Hive for missions - a higher number means they can travel to higher zones
Health The Health of your Bee - Health decreases during PVP but regenerates to full Health as Bee rests in the Hive - -
Attack The higher the Attack stat, the more Health points an enemy Bee loses when you attack them - -
Defense The higher the Defense stat, the fewer Health points your Bee loses when attacked - -

*The Readiness Meter is the order of attack during a PvP Mission



Each time you send a Bee to Hunt or Harvest a Land, you pay a commission or entry fee (in Honey) to the Landowner. The fees will be automatically transferred from your in-game account to the Landowner’s in-game account.

Hunting - The entry fee for Hunting is a flat rate paid in Honey for each Bee you send Hunting. The rate is set by the Landowner and can range from 0 to 1 Honey. The default fee is 0.4 Honey.

NOTE: If you remove a Bee from a Hunting mission, you will not receive a refund of the entry fee.

Harvesting - The commission for Harvesting is a percentage of the Honey that each Bee Harvests. The rate is set by the Landowner and can range from 0% to 10%. The default commission 4%.

NOTE: If you remove a Bee from Harvesting before the Bee has finished, you will not receive any of the Honey the Bee has collected.

Example: Let’s say you send three Bees to the same Land. The Hunting fee for that Land is set at 0.4 Honey and the Harvesting commission is 4%.

Two of your Bees will be Hunting and one will be Harvesting.

As soon as you send the Bees, your in-game account will be charged 0.8 Honey (0.4 Honey for each Hunter). The Honey will automatically transfer to the Landowner’s in-game account.

Let’s assume that your Harvesting Bee brings back 0.78 Honey. Upon his return, you will pay 4% (0.0312 Honey) commission. The Honey will automatically transfer to the Landowner’s in-game account.

Therefore, the total fees for that three-Bee mission is 0.8312 Honey. Be sure to claim your Mission rewards to see what shards were in the Honeypots and how much Honey your Bees brought back.

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REMINDER: Hunting and Harvesting fees are automatically transferred from your in-game account to the Landowner’s in-game account.

Hunting and Harvesting Squads

You can organize your Bees into squads based on whatever criteria you wish! Additionally, you can use the "Filter" option to narrow down your list of Bees.

Some ideas for squads:

  • Harvesting squad - organize your strongest harvesters in one squad

  • Hunting squad - gather up your highest Luck stat Bees

  • Zone squad - divide your Bees by the zone they can reach

  • Landform speciality squad - put all of your Desert Bees in one squads

  • Off Mood squad - Bees that don't match your Queen's mood

  • ??? - Whatever you want!

You can create squads using HiveMind or by visiting the My Bees section inside the game. Visit this FAQ for full instructions.


Each universe has unique Pests who have laid out Quests for you to follow. Explore the history of Honeyland while battling the Pests. Successful Quests will earn you valuable shards!

REMINDER: Quests can only be played with Training Bees. When choosing which Bees to send on Quests, pick the ones that have the same mood as your active Queen. This will give you stat boosts to help you win! Retired Training Bees can still be used for Quests (and PvP). If your retired Training Bees match your Queen's mood, it may be a good idea to wait on converting them so you have them available for Quests and PvP.