Mission Boosts

Matching REALLY Matters!

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Spend some time choosing the right Bee for each Land and you'll see the payoff. Match Moods, Likes/Dislikes, and Landforms to boost your Bee's stats, leading to more Honey (HXD) and Honeypots. It's all about finding the perfect match and maximizing your rewards in Honeyland!

Matching Landforms

Match your Bee’s Landform Specialty to the Landform you are Hunting or Harvesting for a BIG stat boost! Landform Specialities also create advantages and disadvantages during Player vs. Player (PvP) matches.

Landform Match - Universe 1

Stat Boost

Bee & Land
Same Landform
When Harvesting Agility 75%
When Hunting Luck 75%

EXAMPLE: If your Bee has a Meadow Landform Specialty and you send it to Harvest on a Meadow Land, your Bee would gain a 75% boost to his Agility stat during that mission. Sending the same Bee to Hunt on that Land would boost his Luck stat by 75% for the duration of that mission.

Depending on Landform Specialty, a Bee’s Attack stat can increase, decrease, or stay the same during a PvP Mission. Pay close attention to the Landform Specialty of all Bees during PvP to take advantage!

Player vs. Player (PvP) - Universe 1

Landform Advantages and Disadvantages

The Attacking Bee can increase or decrease his Attack stats during PvP resulting in a significant advantage or disadvantage on that turn

Attack Stat Boost Against Attack Stat Reduction Against
Woodland 30% Summit 30% Desert
Summit 30% Desert 30% Woodland
Desert 30% Woodland 30% Summit
Seaside 50% Meadow - -
Meadow 50% Seaside - -
No Specialty - - - -

REMINDER: Matching Moods and matching Likes/Dislikes generates additional stat boosts on Missions.

Matching Moods

Match your Queen’s Mood with the Mood of the Bee(s) you send on a Mission for those Bees to receive a stat boost.

When your Bees’ Moods match your Queen’s Mood:

  • Your Bees’ base Luck stat will be boosted which is useful for Hunting missions.

  • Your Bees’ base Agility and Capacity stats will be boosted which is useful for Harvesting missions.

  • Your Bees’ base Health and Defense stats will be boosted which is useful for Defending your Hive.

  • Your Bees’ base Health and Attack stats will be boosted which is useful for Raiding.

Match your Bees’ Moods with other Bees on the same Mission to receive an additional stat boost for that Mission.

Mood Match - Universe 1

Stat Boost

Queen - Mood Match

Match your Queen's Mood with the Mood of the Bee(s) to receive a stat boost when you send Bees on Missions.

The stat boosted is based on the type of mission.

Mission Boosted Stat
Hunt Luck
Harvest Agility & Capacity
Defense All Stats
Raid All Stats

Percentage of Boost

Calculated from Queen's Stat

Level Genesis Gen 1 Gen 2 Gen 3 Training
10 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0%
11 27.5 22.0 16.5 11.0 5.5
12 30.0 24.0 18.0 12.0 6.0
13 32.5 26.0 19.5 13.0 6.5
14 35.0 28.0 21.0 14.0 7.0
15 37.5 30.0 22.5 15.0 7.5
16 40.0 32.0 24.0 16.0 8.0
17 42.5 34.0 25.5 17.0 8.5
18 45.0 36.0 27.0 18.0 9.0
19 47.5 38.0 28.5 19.0 9.5
20 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0

Bees - Mood Match

Match your Bees' MOODS to receive an additional boost to the Mission stats

Same Mood Boost
2 Bees 5%
3+ Bees 15%

To Calculate the Mood Match Stat Boost:
- Look up % Boost based on Queen's Level and Type (chart above)
- Multiply that % by the Queen's Stat
- Add that to the Bee's Base Stat = Boosted Stat for the Mission

Reminder: Breeding and Legendary Upgrades can Change the Queen's Mood

REMINDER: Matching Landform Specialty and Matching Likes/Dislikes gives additional stat boosts.

Matching Likes/Dislikes

Matching your Queen’s Likes/Dislikes to your Bee’s Likes/Dislikes creates stat boosts which can strengthen your Bees while Raiding and Defending. Matching can also increase the amount of Honey (HXD) you receive from Harvesting.

  • Match your Bee’s Like with your Queen’s Like for your Bee to receive a Defense stat boost.

  • Match your Bee’s Dislike with your Queen’s Dislike for your Bee to receive an Attack stat boost.

  • Match the Likes of your Bees on the same Mission to receive an additional boost to their Capacity stat.

  • Match the Dislikes of your Bees on the same Raiding mission to receive an additional boost to their Health stat.

Like & Dislike Match - Universe 1

Stat Boost

Queen - Like Match
(Defense Boost)

Match your Bee's LIKE with your Queen's LIKE for your Bee to receive a Defense stat boost

Queen Type Defense Boost
Genesis 25%
Gen 1 20%
Gen 2 15%
Gen 3 10%
Training 5%

Queen - Dislike Match
(Attack Boost)

Match your Bee's DISLIKE with your Queen's DISLIKE for your Bee to receive an Attack stat boost

Queen Type Attack Boost
Genesis 25%
Gen 1 20%
Gen 2 15%
Gen 3 10%
Training 5%

Bee - Like Match
(Capacity Boost)

Match your Bees' LIKES for your Bee to receive a Capacity stat boost

Same Like Capacity Boost
2 Bees 10%
3+ Bees 30%

Bee - Dislike Match
(Health Boost)

Match your Bees' DISLIKES for your Bees to receive a Health stat boost

Same Dislike Health Boost
2 Bees 10%
3+ Bees 30%

To Calculate the Like & Dislike Stat Boost:
- Look up % Boost based on Queen's Type (chart above)
- Multiply that % by the Queen's Stat
- Add that to the Bee's Base Stat = Boosted Stat for the Mission

REMINDER: Matching Moods and Matching Landform Specialties means additional stat boosts

With that in mind, choose your Bees wisely and don’t forget to claim the rewards your Bees gathered for you.

Want to increase your Bee’s base stats? - Learn more about upgrading your Bees.