Buying HXD

Accelerate your Game Play!

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Buying HXD Overview

Honeyland Token - $HXD

Want to quickly add Honey to your game wallet? You can buy Honeyland Tokens (HXD) using your credit card via our Stripe onramp by visiting

Claim your deposit - You will need to claim your deposit in order to use the purchased HXD inside Honeyland. You can claim on the site or by visiting the rewards section inside the game. You may need to restart the game before the new HXD will show in the rewards section.

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You can also visit the Main Shop inside the game to purchase HXD packs using your Google Pay or Apply Pay account. These packs include HXD and a mystery box containing shards.

Additionally, HXD is available on the following exchanges:
Raydium || BitMart || MEXC || || Cube || || Coinstore

To deposit HXD purchased from an exchange, you will need to use the Bank.
Click Bank FAQ for full details.