
The website companion to Honeyland!

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HiveMind - Staking

HiveMind is the website companion to the Honeyland Game. You can access it at

If you buy or mint Honeyland assets, you will need to activate them in the game to receive all the benefits of ownership! This is also called "staking your assets" or simply "staking".

REMINDER: You must activate Queens and Bees in order to use them in the Honeyland Game. If you deactivate (unstake) a Queen or Bee it will no longer be playable in the game. You must deactivate assets if you want to list them for sale or trade them to another player.

Downtime for Newly Received Assets

This applies to assets bought or traded

Breeds and Hatches are NOT subject to downtime

Free to Play (FTP) Beemium
Hunting and Harvesting Missions Immediately available Immediately available
PvP Missions Available 72 hours after activation Available 72 hours after activation
Breeding and Upgrading Available 72 hours after activation Immediately available
Queens Available 24 hours after activation Available 24 hours after activation
Passes Available 24 hours after activation Available 24 hours after activation


Lands must be activated for the Landowner to receive commissions and entry fees from Bees Hunting and Harvest their land. Lands will level up based on the amount of time they are consistently activated, offering Landowners more flexibility in setting the fees they charge. Additionally, Lands must be activated to be featured when players deploy Sonar Buzz.

Land Activation Benefits

Land must be activated consecutively to receive benefits
Levels achieved are permanent even if Land is deactivated or sold
All Lands start at Level 1

Level Foundation Level Requirement Maximum Commission that can be Charged * Maximum Entry Fee that can be Charged Honey Reserves ** Weekly Shard Airdrop
1 icon - 4.0% 0.4 Honey (HXD) 160 20
2 icon Level 1
+30 Consecutive Days Active
5.5% 0.55 Honey 200 40
3 icon Level 2
+60 Consecutive Days Active
7.0% 0.7 Honey 240 60
4 icon Level 3
+90 Consecutive Days Active
8.5% 0.85 Honey 280 100
5 icon Level 4
+150 Consecutive Days Active
10.0% 1.0 Honey 320 150

Total Consecutive Active Time Required to Reach Level 5 = 330 Days

* Entry Fees Will be Subject to Future Halving Events

** Landowners will receive shards from each of the following four categories (evenly divided between the four catagories)

Category Contents
1 Mint Spray Shards
2 Lantern or Paradise Maker Shards that
Match your Land
3 90% Chance of Upgrade Item Shards
10% Chance of Mood Stabilizer Shards
4 80% Chance of In-Game Item Shards
10% Chance of Egg Shards
5% Chance of Queen Egg Shards
5% Chance of Royal Jelly Shards